One of the presentations are more difficult to make the stadium projects. You have a great idea for the business sector, and want someone to give you money to do so. The problem is that investors and business angels, and uncles, even the rich have a large loan against you. Why? Because 99% of locations they hear the sound as sure-fire recipes to lose money!
If you are paying investors to give you money for a new project, you must subscribe to the following rules:
1. Explain exactly what your company in 31 seconds. Many entrepreneurs waste valuable time to give amounts of data, and are left background information and other investors, all the while scratching their heads thinking "What really works?"
2. Tell your audience that your customers will. Paint a vivid picture of these people and specific.
3. Explain why customers give you a hard-earned money.
4. Explain who your competition. (If you say you have no competitors, and it is a sign of a certain naivety and you deserve any money to invest!)
5. Explain why you are the only one doing it.
6. Give your presentation with confidence and enthusiasm. Investors want founder / CEO to be an excellent salesman, but we want to see what you can convince the world to dream of them, not just yours.
7. Explain what a star you can hitch a ride on. And Best Buy or Radio Shack has agreed to distribute the new product? Investors feel more comfortable knowing that you have a drive set up ready to distribute your goods.
8. Request for a certain amount of money. If all you have to do is ask for money, then you can not complain if the investor gives you $ 3.25 for a cup of Starbucks coffee.
9. I say exactly what the prospects that you will spend money on (hint: a trip to the shelter will not impress Orvqk)
10. Dress well, act confident, and put on the air that do not really need their money, but would accept that if they bring enough to the table to be a strategic partner for you. Sad but true about human nature, but people are more likely to give you money if they feel you do not really need.
Finally, do not all show like a discussion group for your next presentation. When you ask a group of investors, after a series of questions in the field, and write all these questions, and make sure most of them are answered in your next launch so that the next group not have to ask them. Keep your mind and keep improving your site, and finally may obtain financing for you.